These venomous infected people sit behind their keyboard just looking to make trouble for any Conservative/Republican bloggers. Most are vicious outright lies, ridiculous accusations, and false allegations.. Case in point the recent attact on a most liked and excellect Female blogger who's only crime was/is being a Conservative/Republican blogger. By deliberately spreading lies, and venomous rhetoric and targeting whoever they wish to dispose of.
The technical name of this disease -“The Anonymous Blogger.”
Most use multiple screen names, or just take the easy way and post as "Anonymous"
There are a small group of screen names like "Just Me", “IMHO”, Truth seekers”, “letmesaythis”, and some new sock puppets, (sock puppets are when one person creates multiple screen names) “Lynne”. How many people this group represents, is unknown. The group is being fueled by a Liberal bunch.
This group has an axe to grind with anyone that does not fit into their agenda. Why? These bloggers are not happy enough to only write about their cause, but they must try to downgrade everyone else by ruining his reputation.
WARNING- if this group of hate-mongers are successful, who will be their next target? YOU? It would be unwise to underestimate the capability of people who are focused on furthering a specific agenda. They are anti law, anti talk radio, anti anyone who maybe pro-life, and pro drugs.
These hate mongers also have legitimate blogs.