Monday, May 11, 2009

Barack Obama Laughs at Wanda Sykes's Dumb Jokes

What was President Barack Obama thinking when he laughed and smiled as the comedienne wished Rush Limbaugh dead? Although the Left is reporting her White House Correspondents' Dinner speech as "taking shots" at Limbaugh and mocking everyone, that's a gross misrepresentation of what turned into a hateful and disgusting diatribe.
What did you expect? A no-talent comedianne talking about wanting someone dead and a thug president who laughs at the joke! Is anyone surprised? I believe this administration is the scariest I've seen in my lifetime.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Holder Says Terrorists Won't Be Set Free in U.S

General Eric Holder tried to reassure worried lawmakers Thursday that no Guantanamo Bay detainees thought to be terrorists will be released into the United States.
Holder testified at a Senate hearing on the Obama administration's budget for the Justice Department."We don't have any plans to release terrorists," said Holder.But he also said some of the Guantanamo Bay detainees will be released, indicating the Obama administration believes some of those held there are not terrorists.
What does this mean exactly since the 0bama administration has stopped using the ''terrorist'' word? And we are telling our allies that we think they are too dangerous to let loose in the US, here, you take them.

How...thoughtful of him? "Deadly Bacteria Won't Be Released in U.S." "Poisoned Food Won't Be Marketed In U.S."
Shouldn't all these as well as the actual headline be something taken for granted?

I love how Holder sneaks in "those you refer to as terrorists." To him and stinky they're regular guys.
PS......... So long, and good luck to our blogging buddy DD2

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who was aboard Air Force One as it re-enacted 9/11 to terrorize New Yorkers?

In the furor over the current Administration’s callous buzzing of lower Manhattan for a “photo op” that essentially re-enacted the path of the commandeered jetliners that killed so many 8 years ago (this time with fighter jets racing along in tow, making New Yorkers especially believe they were under attack again), various Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed by private citizens across the country demanding release of the photographs from the current president’s reckless, thoughtless, and deranged $350,000 “practical joke”.

What HASN’T been talked about anywhere that we can see is the question of exactly WHO was on board that plane as it raced through the skies over Manhattan.

It occurred to me a stunt like this would be an EXCELLENT reward for high-level donors to the current president’s campaign. What do you think?

My first gut reaction was that Obama was on the plane, or at least Biden. I haven’t yet seen or heard anyone come out and say that they weren’t, please correct me if I’m wrong. I’d love to know where they both were on that day.

Ok, here’s a second stab at this…this whole Swine Flu pandemic is a distraction, either from something that is happening now(either diplomatically or militarily) or something that already happened, like Obama on Air Force 1 (as AF1 is what was initially reported) doing a personal flyover of NYC. We all know that the MSM will bury any story that hurts Obama(never mind not even investigating one that has the potential) and they would equally try to manufacture a story to blow up as a smokescreen.

All I DO know is that story about it being a “photo op” was fishy from the start. F-16s aren’t camera planes. Updating stock photos? I’m sure someone in the White House has heard of PhotoShop.

And, yesterday, the most transparent administration evah(!) classified the photos. CIA memos are open to every Tom, Dick and Ahmed on the planet, but “updated” photos of Scare Force One are classified?

Another thought that I've been wondering about si that it was Michelle out shopping for new shoes.

Very fishy, indeed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Did You Ever Notice That Liberals ALWAYS Bring Up Nixon

I'd like to know why all liberals ALWAYS brings up Nixon whenever their man screws up?

News flash! Nixon is gone, dead, and buried!

Obama is in the White House and if he screws up then HE'S going to take the heat...Like it or not!

For instance:
It was the president OBAMA that bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, NOT Nixon.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Those hate mongers that poison our blogging community with their agendas.

Beware of this new disease spreading through our blogging community. The infections that they spread is as dangerous to our blogging community as the Swine Flue. In fact some of these hateful people can be described as "Swine". Signs of this new infection can be noticed throughout the blogisphere, and most visible and most notably done to the Conservative/Republican bloggers. The disappearance of anyone with basic common sense, integrity, and morals has been replaced by some type of lower form of life called the " Anonymous Blogger" or the blogger with no blog at all but only a name. For example a name called "Lynne" or "Me" or "IMHO". Left behind is some type of lower life form, with only a vague recollection of what it was like to once have a conscience.
These venomous infected people sit behind their keyboard just looking to make trouble for any Conservative/Republican bloggers. Most are vicious outright lies, ridiculous accusations, and false allegations.. Case in point the recent attact on a most liked and excellect Female blogger who's only crime was/is being a Conservative/Republican blogger. By deliberately spreading lies, and venomous rhetoric and targeting whoever they wish to dispose of.
The technical name of this disease -“The Anonymous Blogger.”
Most use multiple screen names, or just take the easy way and post as "Anonymous"

Their Goal is to spread as many vicious outright lies, ridiculous accusations, and false allegations, as they can, in hopes that if they fling enough of it out there, some of it may stick. It’s a sick and twisted game, by sick and twisted people. Most of these sick and twisted people are of the Liberal persuasion.
There are a small group of screen names like "Just Me", “IMHO”, Truth seekers”, “letmesaythis”, and some new sock puppets, (sock puppets are when one person creates multiple screen names) “Lynne”. How many people this group represents, is unknown. The group is being fueled by a Liberal bunch.

This group has an axe to grind with anyone that does not fit into their agenda. Why? These bloggers are not happy enough to only write about their cause, but they must try to downgrade everyone else by ruining his reputation.

WARNING- if this group of hate-mongers are successful, who will be their next target? YOU? It would be unwise to underestimate the capability of people who are focused on furthering a specific agenda. They are anti law, anti talk radio, anti anyone who maybe pro-life, and pro drugs.
These hate mongers also have legitimate blogs.

Saturday, April 25, 2009



Hey Libs!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thank You For Your Support

Words cannot express my appreciation of some of you bloggers and your stand against the Leftists. Your actions go a long way to showing the intolerance which pervades the leftist's bloggers and their agenda which is destroying this great country from within.
Its not surprising to see that the Liberal's feel it is better to lie through ones teeth than to be true to ones beliefs.
We are conservative, we hunt, we fish, and we cling to our religion and our guns. The left would rather go to their protests and be Brainwashed and sing Kumbaya, hold hands, cry about how the country is Imperialistic, feel guilty about having parents who make more money than the wino who doesn’t want to do a decent days work for a decent wage, etc.
I’m going to do just like the asswipes on the left did, and call for the Impeachment of the sitting President, who we all can see now is an idiot.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to Identify A Liberal Troll

Greetings, Asylum residents! This is important message form the author of this blog..I realize this won't come as much of a surprise to most people, but it is something that MUST be said, even though it's really common knowledge.
Now, what is it that makes liberals so despicable? What is it about these cockroaches that makes normal people's skin crawl? Is it because they're traitors? Is it because they elevate terrorists to the level of "freedom fighters?" Is it because they lack basic hygiene? Actually, no, while all that is true, it's not what I am referring to. .

The worst thing about liberals is that they are all talk.

That's right. Liberals are all talk. They do nothing to help the poor the starving, or the suffering or about the war, but talk about it. They preach peace and harmony, but they ally themselves with terrorists and violent communist regimes such as Cuba and North Korea. Hell, they've now allied themselves with the a-hole's friends like Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, all buddies of the Pansy in the White House right now.

They're all for regime change in Iraq, just as long as nobody has to actually DO anything about it. They claim to be for human rights and freedom, but the only action they're willing to take is to slap a "Save Tibet" bumper sticker on the back of their 1975 Volvo.

Since the coronation of Mother Moonbat by the sycophantic leftist media, we have heard nothing but positive coverage that America-hating ass-hole Cindy Sheehan and all those involved in the protests at Camp Crawford. These lunatics have don't nothing but bitch and moan about everything that was good about America.

Now have a good time commenting here, I won't delete your shit like most of you do at YOUR blogs.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I wonder how many liberals' lives were saved because we poured some water on a bad guy!

As I wrote on some ones blog today!

Thank God for the so called "Torture"
Waterboarding that we have done.
God only knows how may American lives we have saved by doing what we have done.
Would you have rather cut off their freaken heads?

Personally, I'm OK with torture under these circumstances. Part of the criticism of torturing is that it produces unreliable information, which is not necessarily true. Torturing to elicit a confession is notoriously unreliable and really does nothing to prevent future harm, so it's not right in any circumstances. Torturing to obtain intelligence information about FUTURE acts by OTHER people is more reliable, making it more justifiable. When you also consider the fact that the torture was relatively non-violent and was only used on a VERY small number of high level detainees that we knew almost certainly had useful information about future attacks... I'm sure if it saved the life of ONE of your family members you would think differently!
And don't tell me about the Geneva convention! I know all about it.. I served our county and I'm very familiar with all the rules.
The Geneva convention requires soldiers to wear uniforms. This is designed so that troops know who to shoot at and don't kill a bunch of civilians. If a spy (not wearing a uniform) is captured, he can be interrogated, executed, and anything else they want to do, and this has always been the case, even for civilized countries. Why do you think spies carry cyanide capsules? I'm sick of people pretending otherwise.
Yes, thank you Mr. Bush.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Blogger who calls himself




With a Traumatic Brain Injury. Who is a racist idiot and should not be allowed outside of his cell.

Another example of hypocrisy by liberal skank and wanna-be-intellectual airheads

Friday, April 10, 2009

Somali pirates threaten to kill U.S. Captain

The a-hole Somali pirates holding an American ship captain held hostage have demanded a ransom for him - and threatened to kill him if they are attacked.The ransom demand came hours after Captain Richard Phillips tried to escape by leaping off the pirates' lifeboat and into the sea. But though Capt Phillips was within sight of the U.S. Navy destroyer he was quickly recaptured.
So maybe the FBI 'negotiators' should just tell the pirates that they will send the battleships in and level the entire coast of that gutter country if one hair on the Captains' head is damaged and if that doesn't work, then pick them off with sharpshooters firing in unison..
If this man dies it will be on Obama the Pantywaist's head. Shameful.. Get in some sharpshooters and do the right thing NOW!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I don't want a President who "means well." I want a President who defend this country

When are people going to realize that Obama is president of liberal America,not the whole country? A real man would never have humiliated himself on the world stage like Obama did but then again who's ever accused him of being a real man? Of course some people think that a real man expresses his feelings but you have to draw the line at being a snivillng wiener.You would never this behavior by a real black man.
I’m not interested in reaching out to people that want to slice my head off and take pictures of it. Does that sound vulgar? Maybe. But quite frankly I don’t eve see the so called moderate Muslims reaching out to my country.
I don't want a President who "means well." I want a President who defend this country, uphold the Constitution and represent as best as possible all (legitimate) interests of Americans and not foreign governments or their citizens

The Obama we knew before, or didn't care!

If we choose to blame the press for not vetting Obama, then we ought to ask ourselves why “we the people” didn’t demand more. Either one of two answers is possible, and neither offers much hope for the future.

We either knew who and what Obama was and represents, or we simply didn’t care. We either looked deep into his past and saw a socialist/pacifist/delusional narcissist, who had no scruples and standards whatsoever and said “he’s the one”, or he simply made us feel good with the narcotic of “hope and change” and we just wanted a temporary high to relieve us the pains of our current existence.

It is impossible that any thinking person can honestly believe that borrowing/printing and spending upwards of 10 - 15 trillion dollars is anything but a major catastrophe in the making. Yet the public, save a relatively small cadre of tea party attendees, is inattentive, perhaps by choice.

That there was not national outrage over the bow to the Saudi king probably says more than anything else. There has never been, at least as far as I can recall, such a disgraceful, disgusting, and dishonorable act by a US president. By former presidents, yeah, Carter certainly has done his share, but not by a sitting president.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Barack takes a Bow

In a shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate, President Obama bowed to Saudi King Abdullah at the Group of 20 summit in London last week. The bow was an extraordinary protocol violation. Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king's subjects, not his peer. There is no precedent for U.S. presidents bowing to Saudi or any other royals.
He has sent many signals to the Muslims. Remember when he talked about his Muslim faith, and didn't even realize he had a "slip of the tongue"?
He intends to ruin this country so that Islam can conquer the rest of the world

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lipstick On A Pig

The wife of the President of the United States is unelected, and has no official role and should stay in the background. Michelle's lack of class, experience and knowledge on the international scene is embarrassing to the USA.
Of course the Queen should be respected with this protocol of centuries. What is more disturbing is watching Obama bow to the King of Saudi doubt thanking him for thr millions in campaign contributions he forked over last year. Now what will Obama do for the King? No US president has EVER bowed to a King.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Someone resuscitate me….I had no idea that there were any logical, rational and coherent thought-forming people left in this country. The kool-aid sippers absolutely astound me; they REFUSE to form any kind of opinion on their own or reach a logical conclusion using REASONING as the basis for their opinion. They always use “George Bush ran us into the ground” or “George Bush is stupid” or my personal favorite “CHANGE” for their rebuttals for any ABOMINATION campaign promise or policy. Seriously, interrogate them as to how they REASONED out their opinions and they will immediately attempt to discredit either ABOMINATION’s predecessor or his challenger.

Liberals just refuse to believe they can form opinions based on deductive reasoning.

I will give liberals this though; they were smart enough to understand the potential impact of the civil rights movement for the next 50 years. Republicans were indifferent towards the civil rights movement because we focused our energy on making this country run at its greatest efficiency(I still love the look on liberals faces when I mention the equity vs. efficiency argument). Democrats, at the time, couldn’t fathom making such complicated decisions so they went for plan B: support the civil rights movement and persuade minorities to join their cause.(How quickly did African Americans forget that the Southern proponents of slavery were THOROUGHLY Democrat). At the same time, mainstream media exploded onto the national scene along with a sense of the initial political correction required to popularize said media due to “new” ideas of civil liberties. Add it all up and what do we have? A media conglomerate bent on being politically correct rather reporting factual accounts and observable events without distortion.Here’s to rationality overtaking willful ignorance as the primary determinant of “qualified” candidates.